Is it dangerous to use your mobile phones or your wireless devises in your daily life ?

From the last 15 years, numerous large scale studies have been completed with the documents of the possible adverse health risks of mobile radiation. Overall, many of the studies indicate the connection between the mobile radiation and adverse side effects which is seriously dangerous and damaging in nature.

An expert Brain surgeon and a mobile radiation expert they both warned that "After 10 years of use of mobile phones, there are lots of increment in the risks of developing a brain tumour is at least just doubled faster ” (7.39 min). 

Daily side effects which have now become common

·              Headache

·              Fatigue and lack of motivation

·              Memory problems

·              Lack of concentration

·              Sleeping problems

·              Learning problems

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Serious side effects :

  • Increased risk of developing cancer

From a particular and special scientific studies it has estimated that young people using mobile phones have a 520 % increased risk of developing severe cancer - for adults the risk is at 270 % .

  • Up to a 400% increased risk of deadly tumours 

Mobile radiation may cause a special or certain type of malignant tumour called Glioma.This tumour is very deadly and is very dangerous. From a study, it has resulted by the acknowledged by the Swedish researchers and his team from a famous University Hospital shows how the use of a mobile phone for more than 30 min per day over a 10 year-period increases the risk of developing this type of dangerous brain tumour with up to 400%.

Mobile radiation may cause a special or certain type of malignant tumour called Glioma.This tumour is very deadly and is very dangerous. From a study, it has resulted by the acknowledged by the Swedish researchers and his team from a famous University Hospital shows how the use of a mobile phone for more than 30 min per day over a 10 year-period increases the risk of developing this type of dangerous brain tumour with up to 400%.

  • Increased heating of the brain

Mobile radiation is just like the microwaves: it severely heats up the brain in the same way microwaves heats up the food in a microwave oven.

Mobile radiation is just like the microwaves: it severely heats up the brain in the same way microwaves heats up the food in a microwave oven.

  • Negative effects on body cells, organs, tissue and DNA

From many types of research, it has been proven that how mobile radiation disturbs the body's cells, organs and DNA which may cause many imbalances and can cause lots of diseases. Also, mobile radiation harms the body's DNA possibly leading to biological disturbances, which can easily cause to diseases and cancers.

  • Weakened immune system

Researches have proven that how the immune system fights back once exposed to electromagnetic radiations. The immune system can easily defend itself when the body is been attacked by the viruses or bacterias. Only, against electromagnetic radiations the immune system stands no chance and slowly deteriorates and is been disturbed.

  •       Reduced fertility

Lots of studies have proved a connection between mobile radiation and human fertility. In other words, mobile radiation may very well influence our ability to have children. 

So, it is told that to reduce the usage of mobile phone and hence, should become aware to all products which are  Radi Cover and it grant you and your family an assured and effective protection against mobile radiation. 

